Monday, August 18, 2008

Interview with Jim Kukral from

Jim Kukral from ScratchBackToday I will introduce a new section in my blog for my readers - the interview section. From time to time I intend to interview interesting personalities and publish them here. As I was thinking who would be my very first interviewee, I came across Jim Kukral, the man behind For those who are not familiar with this great concept, ScratchBack is an online tipping tool where readers can tip the publisher in exchange for a link in the blog or website. All the links are hardcoded with a nofollow tag which makes it Google friendly. I myself have incorporated this tool recently on this blog and have also decided to donate 20% of what I earn through ScratchBack to charity. So go ahead, get your link on my blog!

Jim is an online marketing expert, an award winning blogger, writer, online monetizing expert and the list goes on. You get the picture right? Jim has his own web firms and is also a web consultant and public speaker. All aspiring bloggers can learn from Jim's experience in this industry.

Jim's Interview:

1. How did you start off? As a marketer or as a blogger? Can you give us some history?

I started as a web designer actually, back in 1995 I learned html before tables existed. Then around 1999 I started project managing and found web marketing. I only started blogging in 2001, and later realized that all online marketing intersects together.

2. Tell us a little bit about What prompted you to start this business?

I started because I knew that millions of bloggers wanted this type of tipping solution. Paypal tip jars are so boring and completely ineffective. Scratchback is fun for the blogger who enables it and the reader who tips. It's a win/win for everyone. Plus, it's all nofollow and Google likes it.

3. How has the response been? Do you have any other plans lined up for it?

We'll be rolling it out of beta hopefully in fall 2008. New features driven by our community of thousands of users.

4. What is the advice you would like to give people who are interested to sign up with

Best advice is to set your tips higher than $5.00. People tip more often when the tips are set higher. I think it's because of the psychology of it. If they're just tipping you a dollar or two, they don't feel it's worth their time.

5. Do you have any other projects in the pipeline? If yes, could you give us a sneak preview?

My latest project is where I'm building a directory of green blogs and websites. I have some other fun stuff always going but you'll have to sign up for my blog updates at to find out.

6. How competitive do you think online businesses have become? What is the formula for success?

It's super competitive. But... if you pick a niche and stick with it,
and you differentiate yourself you can still shine and make money. Do video, do podcasts, get crazy. Do what no one else is doing. Brand yourself as the utmost expert in your niche.

7. Do you have any advice for new bloggers who are trying to find their footing?

Write a lot. Then keep writing. But write to solve people's problems. Each post should solve a problem.

Thanks Jim!

ScratchBack webpage
Jim's Homepage


Anonymous said...

Very nice interview